CEO Update

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CEO Update - May 2022

Community Social Services Health and Safety Association of BC

The Community Social Services Health and Safety Association of BC (Association) held its inaugural Annual General Meeting on May 4th, 2022, and affirmed its first slate of Board Members. They comprise union and non-union employers, workers and industry members, and together, will work to steer the Association through its critical early years. We congratulate:

  • Janice Barr - Community Living Society
  • Tanya Behardien - OneSky Community Resources
  • Brian Campbell - B.C. General Employees Union
  • J. Gordon Cote – Nanaimo & Area Resource Services for Families Programs Ltd.
  • Christine Fewtrell - Hulitan Family & Community Services Society
  • Chantel Foden - Spectrum Society for Community Living
  • Nina Hansen - Health Sciences Association BC
  • Diane Hong - SUCCESS (The United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society)
  • Tammy Khanna - Independent Living Housing Society
  • Christina Lloyd-Jones - Hospital Employees Union
  • Jonny Morris - Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division
  • Pamela Pye - B.C. General Employees Union
  • Michael Reed - Canadian Union of Public Employees
  • Denise Subotin - WorkSafeBC
  • Judy Valsonis - Touchstone Family Association

I will continue to serve as Interim Board Chair while the Association recruits and confirms a permanent Chair.
The creation of this first-of-its-kind safety association covering 2,200 unionized and non-unionized employers is a monumental accomplishment and one that the community social services sector should be immensely proud of. I thank Association Director Satvinder Basran for his tactical leadership and also, our many sectoral partners whose collective vision turned a concept into reality: Rick FitzZaland – The Federation of Social Services of BC, Selena Kongpreecha – Community Social Services Bargaining Association, and Denise Subotin – WorkSafeBC.…

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CEO Update - April 2022

Awards of Excellence – Final Days to Nominate

Members are reminded that there is now just over one week remaining to nominate an individual for this year’s Community Social Services Awards of Excellence. The awards will be held in person for the first time in two years, and would be a wonderful venue to acknowledge the hard work of individuals working in BC’s publicly funded community social services sector. Nominations are being accepted online until 5pm on April 22 and the awards will be presented in Vancouver at the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel on October 24. For more details on nominee categories, previous recipients, nomination questions and more, go to our awards website. If you have further questions, please contact Doris Sun, Director of Communications, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We wish all nominees the best of luck.

2022 Bargaining

On March 31 the General Services, Community Living Services and Indigenous Services collective agreements expired and in the interim, the terms of the 2019-2022 agreements remain in effect until new agreements are successfully negotiated. On April 7, after 34 days of interest-based bargaining, CSSEA tabled a three-year comprehensive monetary proposal. The goals are to ensure stability in the sector and a continued prioritization of recruitment and retention, with application of low wage redress to eliminate the wage gap with health. We don’t expect a response from the union bargaining association until we meet again on May 16. Negotiations in our sector are further complicated because another public sector table negotiation has also reached an impasse, with both sides significantly apart on wages. All indications suggest this round of bargaining will likely take longer than previous rounds.

Community Social Services Health and Safety Association of BC – Notification of AGM

Members are informed that the Community Social Services Health & Safety Association of BC (the Association) will be holding its inaugural Annual General Meeting on May 4 from 5pm to 7pm. You are invited to attend the virtual session, which will be broadcast from Vancouver. Registration for the event can be made at this link.…

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CEO Update - March 2022

Community Social Services Awareness Month

March is now recognized province-wide as Community Social Services Awareness month. As we emerge from what has likely been two of the most challenging years of our professional careers, I’d like to applaud all employers for their resilience and adaptability, as well as staff for their bravery and commitment in continuing to serve vulnerable British Columbians in the midst of a global pandemic. As we slowly move to increase in-person interactions, I hope you will consider submitting a nomination for this year’s Community Social Services Awards of Excellence to recognize outstanding individuals working in the sector.

Community Social Services Awards of Excellence

After a two-year pause in large gatherings, CSSEA is excited to once again present the Awards of Excellence, sponsored by TELUS, as an in-person event. Many of you have no doubt worked alongside some extraordinary individuals over the past year and there is no better way to honour their efforts than by filling out a nomination. CSSEA will be accepting nominations until 5pm on April 22 and full details, including the online nomination form, can be found on our awards website. Pending any changes to the current health situation, we look forward to celebrating with you in person on October 26 at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel, as part of CSSEA’s 2022 AGM and Conference.

2022 Bargaining

CSSEA and its employer bargaining team continues to be actively engaged in collective bargaining with the Community Social Services Bargaining Association in an interest-based bargaining approach. We will keep members apprised of key developments through our Bargaining Updates as they arise. This is a very difficult bargaining year due in part to heightened union expectations, as well as inflation rates not seen in 30 years; as a result, we anticipate a longer bargaining process than the previous round. Our employer bargaining team is doing excellent work and ensures that member issues such as recruitment and retention and healthy, safe workplaces are foremost at the table.…

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CEO Update - January/February 2022


As 2022 continues to see health professionals and governments grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, CSSEA is still actively monitoring developments as they relate to employer responsibilities in the social services sector. At our most recent Board Meeting in December, CSSEA’s Board encouraged the sector to follow Provincial Health Officer (PHO) guidelines and obtain vaccinations, including booster shots.

In addition, employers are reminded that as of January 7, 2022, the PHO has reinstated site-specific, prescriptive COVID-19 safety plans, replacing the general Communicable Disease Prevention plans that were in place prior to that. COVID-19 Safety Plans are formal, written plans that include details such as occupancy limits, physical distancing and barriers. Employers are encouraged to revisit their COVID-19 Safety Plans with input from employees to ensure they remain effective at reducing exposure. For more information and resources, consult this CSSEA Info. A copy of a more recent PHO order on workplace safety can be found here.

2022 Bargaining

CSSEA and the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) have agreed to commence bargaining on February 2 to amend the sector’s three collective agreements. We will notify the membership of developments through periodic Bargaining Updates that will be e-mailed to your agency’s bargaining contact. In preparation, CSSEA will be sending an email to the bargaining contact on file to confirm that e-mail is still current. We ask that you look out for that communication in the coming weeks and take a moment to respond so CSSEA can be in contact throughout the bargaining and ratification process.…

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CEO Update - October/November 2021

2022 Board and Panel Members

This year, we once again held our three divisional sessions in advance of the AGM General Session. I am pleased to report the following members have been selected to join and chair the Board and Panels (please note the asterisk indicates the member is also on CSSEA’s Board):

Indigenous Services:
Chair: Melanie Hudson – Island Métis Family & Community Services Society
Vice Chair: Adam Calvert* - La Societé de les Enfants Michif (Métis Family Services)

Community Living Services:
Chair: Tammy Khanna – Independent Living Housing Society of Greater Victoria
Vice Chair: Dawn Hein – Mission Association for Community Living
Ryan Cucheron* - Venture Training
Dana Gorbahn – Gorbahn Professional Alternative Resources Inc.
Tanya Sather – Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion…

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CEO Update - July/August 2021

2021 AGM and Conference

CSSEA invites all members to attend this year’s AGM and Conference, Resilience Builds Strength. While the conference will once again take place virtually, we are confident the event will be engaging and yield important learnings. Members attending this year’s General AGM session on October 19 are encouraged to discuss issues of importance in the sector with their divisional panel members and may submit resolutions. CSSEA will be accepting resolutions from individual members until September 15 and asks that they be sent via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . To register and learn more about this year’s lineup of sessions, please visit our conference website. In our current virtual world the conference is modestly priced to encourage participation. In addition, we are offering a discounted early bird conference rate of $79 that will be effective until September 24.

Consider Joining CSSEA’s Panels

This year’s Divisional Sessions will once again be taking place one week prior to the AGM General Session, on October 12, for logistical reasons. If you registered for the General Session, you will automatically be registered and receive a participation link for your respective Divisional Session in early October. The divisional sessions will handle divisional business, including the selection of new panel members and, if required, discussion of resolutions and holding of elections. I encourage those who have never served and are interested in being involved with CSSEA’s governance to consider putting their names forward for a potential position. To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of panel members, as well as how to run, consult the AGM page on our conference website.

Permanent Paid Sick Leave Survey

In preparation for upcoming paid sick leave legislation that is slated to come into effect January 1, 2022, government will be consulting with employers about their views on permanent employee paid sick leave. The PSEC Secretariat will provide further details when they are available, but in the meantime, employers are encouraged to fill out this survey to assist in developing options for the consultation process. The survey is intended to help government understand how many workers have paid sick leave, what types of paid sick leave is offered, and how the new legislated paid sick leave will affect employers.…

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CEO Update - May/June 2021

Board and Panel Meetings

On June 7, CSSEA held its second Board and Panel meetings of 2021. The meeting began with a moment of silence in remembrance of the 215 Indigenous children whose remains were uncovered in Kamloops. Our collective hearts go out to their families, Indigenous communities across the country and anyone who has been impacted by this profound loss.

Topics discussed included changes to the Employment Standards Act and how it impacts our sector; Bargaining 2022; the Community and Social Services Health and Safety Council; and CSSEA’s participation in the MCFD Social Sector Advisory Committee and the Social Services Sector Roundtable. Finally, we discussed the upcoming AGM, Conference and Awards of Excellence that will be taking place Oct. 19-21, and the hope it will be the last one to be held virtually.

Employment Standards Act and Sick Leave Pay

By now, members should be aware of further provincial government amendments to the Employment Standards Act (ESA). The latest amendments provide employees with up to three days of COVID-19-related paid sick/isolation/exposure leave until December 31, 2021. This constitutes new minimum standards for all employees in the province, except those covered by a collective agreement where the sick leave provisions “meet or exceed” this new minimum standard. CSSEA issued a comprehensive communication detailing if and how these amendments will affect both unionized and non-unionized employees. The communication also addressed future paid sick days that will come into effect on January 1, 2022 on a “go-forward” basis. You can access details of the May 2021 ESA amendments here.…

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CEO Update - April 2021

Awards of Excellence – Deadline Extended

Due to internal issues that affected our Awards of Excellence website, we are extending the deadline to nominate from Friday, April 16 at 5pm to Friday, April 23 at 5pm. Members who have partially completed nominations or who plan to start a nomination are encouraged to finalize them as soon as possible. The Community Social Services Awards of Excellence, sponsored by TELUS, are a meaningful way to honour outstanding individuals who have gone above and beyond in their roles – especially in light of the challenging year we have all had. The nomination form, as well as full details of the awards initiative, can be found on our website:

2021 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report

Members should now have received both a mail-out and e-mail containing details on how to complete the 2021 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report. As we prepare for 2022 bargaining, your input into this year’s report will be of critical importance, as the data gathered will be particularly significant in informing government on funding for the public sector. To assist members with efficient completion, CSSEA has begun holding a series of online orientation webinars to provide agencies with information and tips on how to accurately complete the report. To register for one of the remaining sessions, please sign up at: The report form and user guide can be downloaded from CSSEA’s website. We thank all members in advance for completing the report prior to the deadline of June 30, 2021.

COVID-19 – Latest PHO Order

By now, employers should be aware of the Provincial Health Officer’s (PHO) latest order, which gives WorkSafeBC prevention officers the ability to serve a closure order on businesses with a known COVID-19 outbreak. Once served, the closure order will be in effect for 10 days or more, as prescribed by the health authority’s medical health officer on a case-by-case basis.

When serving the closure order, the WorkSafeBC prevention officer will discuss and advise on the employer’s COVID-19 safety plan. When the workplace is permitted to re-open, the prevention officer will conduct an inspection to review the employer’s updated COVID-19 safety plan. For more information on the latest PHO orders, click here. You can also refer to your regional health authority for more information about specific closure orders. For other resources on keeping workplaces safe, consult WorkSafeBC’s COVID-19 website.…

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CEO Update - March 2021

Community Social Services Awareness Month

The month of March is particularly special for our sector because it is now recognized as Community Social Services Awareness month. I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all employers and their staff for their tireless efforts in serving vulnerable British Columbians in need of support, compassion and a sense of community. The work you do is impactful and we should all be proud that the province is shining a spotlight on our efforts.

Awards of Excellence

Nominations for the 2021 Community Social Services Awards of Excellence are now open. CSSEA is excited to hold the awards again this year, after a one-year pause due to the pandemic. Although we remain aware that members’ operations continue to be affected by the implications of COVID-19, I encourage everyone to consider acknowledging colleagues, friends or outstanding employees who have gone above and beyond, especially in these challenging times. Nominations will be accepted until 5pm on April 16 and full details, including the nomination form, can be found on our Awards Website.

Bargaining 2022

The Bargaining Committee held an introductory virtual meeting on February 26th. While the Committee prepares for 2022 bargaining, we thank all members who have already sent their bargaining objectives to CSSEA since my last CEO Update. We continue to accept member feedback on issues that are of foremost importance as we prepare for the next round of collective bargaining. We ask that you e-mail your bargaining objectives and/or suggestions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Board and Panels Meeting

The Board and Panels met on March 1 and during that meeting, the Panels received a presentation from Satvinder Basran on the revised priorities for the CSS Health & Safety Council for 2021. The focus this year will be completing the governance structure to enable the Council to become an independent society and establish foundations for training and education resources by June 2021.

The Panels also discussed upcoming changes to Extended Health Care Plans coverage, which are set to take effect on April 1, as well as the final $20 million allocation of Low Wage Redress funds that will give most classifications parity with health.

The issue of excluded compensation, which is outside CSSEA’s scope under the Public Sector Employers Act, was also raised. Employers reiterated the impact that compression and inversion are having on recruitment, retention and the morale of managers and supervisors.

The Panels also brought up the topic of risk insurance, specifically the possibility that changes to risk coverage, may occur. Members are encouraged to follow up with their risk insurance providers to determine if changes are being contemplated.

The Board meeting included a discussion on CSSEA’s data collection and PSEC’s request that CSSEA continue collecting data for non-union agencies for the sixth year. Also deliberated was cost recovery of this government initiative.…

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CEO Update - January/February 2021

Bargaining 2022

As members are aware, CSSEA elected its 2022 Bargaining Committee at last October’s AGM. Besides electing the committee, engaging the panel and the HR practitioners, another important part of preparing for the next round of bargaining would involve CSSEA travelling around the province to discuss issues and collect members’ foremost bargaining objectives. Given our continued inability to hold meetings face to face, CSSEA has created an e-mail for members to send their bargaining-related comments. CSSEA will be monitoring the e-mail diligently and will be compiling all bargaining objectives as it continues to develop its bargaining plan and strategy. We ask that you e-mail your bargaining objectives and/or suggestions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Upcoming General Wage Increase and $20 Million Low Wage Redress

Members are reminded that, effective the first full pay period following April 1, 2021, both the general wage and third (and final) instalment of the $20 million Low Wage Redress increases will take effect. The increases are agreed to by CSSEA and the CSSBA and are meant to reduce the difference in pay between Community Social Services jobs and similar jobs in the Health Sector. More details, including updated wage grids, can be found in this CSSEA Info, which was sent to members in December 2020. 

Minimum Wage Increase

Effective June 1, BC’s minimum wage will be increasing from $14.60 per hour to $15.20 per hour. Minimum wage applies regardless of how employees are paid – hourly, salary, commission or on an incentive basis. If an employee's wage is below minimum wage for the hours they worked, the employer must top up their payment so it's equal to minimum wage. For more information on this upcoming increase, consult the Province of BC’s website.…

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CEO Update - December 2020

Funders Meeting

Early this month CSSEA hosted the annual Funders Meeting to review the final round of sectoral wage increases in the 2019-2022 Collective Agreements, including the final allocation of Low Wage Redress (LWR). Also discussed were upcoming changes to extended health benefits, as well as additional funding pressures from statutory and pension cost increases. Although outside the scope of CSSEA’s mandate, we relayed the increasing pressure agencies are under to respond to management and excluded salary inversion and compression, and the negative impact it has on the ability to recruit and retain qualified managers and ensure continuity of service. The meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Ministry of Child and Family Development, Community Living BC, PSEC Secretariat, BC Housing, health authorities, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Jobs and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. A copy of the presentation can be found here.

April 1, 2021 Wage Grids

By now, members should be aware that CSSEA and CSSBA have agreed on the distribution of the April 1, 2021 Low Wage Redress, effective the first full pay period following April 1, 2021. These wage increases represent the final increases as negotiated in the 2019-2022 Collective Agreements, and for a majority of classifications, closes the wage gap significantly with the health sector. Updated wage grids can be found here and the CSSEA Info outlining the agreement can be found here. A special thanks to the Classification Tech Group and Employer Advisory Committee for their work these past three years in finalizing the allocation of LWR. 

CSSEA Fact Book

CSSEA’s 2019 Fact Book has now been released. This comprehensive publication provides a detailed overview of the funding, employment and compensation statistics of the entire sector, its service divisions and employee groups. In addition, it provides a breakdown of these figures by geographic region. Members can expect to receive a hard copy of the Fact Book by mail. It can also be accessed online.…

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Communications Contact

Doris Sun
Director of Communications
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