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Final Opportunity to Register for 2022 AGM and Conference

CSSEA’s 2022 AGM and Conference, Together & Forward, will be taking place in just one week, at the Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle Hotel from October 25-27. The event is nearly sold out and if you have not yet registered, please do so before the registration cut-off at noon on Friday, October 21st.  Registration and program details can be found on our conference website.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Doris Sun, Director of Communications, at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We look forward to connecting with you in person next week!…

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2022 Annual Report Now Available

CSSEA’s 2022 Annual Report, containing excerpted highlights from our approved audited financial statements, is now available here.

If you have any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Director of Communications.…

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BC to Support Federal Holiday to Mark Queen's Funeral

The provincial government has confirmed it will support the federal government’s announcement today that it is recognizing September 19, 2022 as a national holiday for federal government employees to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth on the day of her funeral. As such, the provincial government has advised all provincial public sector employers that they should recognize September 19 as a holiday for all employees who are normally entitled to provincial and federal holidays, on a “without prejudice” basis.

The BC Government recognizes that there is little advance notice of this holiday, yet strongly encourages employers to reduce or close services where it can on September 19, and provide staff with a day off with no loss of pay. Where this is not possible, staff who are on duty would be paid that statutory holiday rate of pay for hours worked and receive another day off with pay.

Employees who are not scheduled to work on September 19 would not receive any other days off with pay for this holiday. CSSEA has reminded the government that there will be an increase in costs for employers to recognize this day. Employers are encouraged to continue to discuss and resolve these financial pressures with their funders.…

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Upcoming Panel Vacancies in Community Living Services Division

Members of the Community Living Services (CLS) division are invited to consider running for one of two upcoming panel vacancies at this year’s CSSEA Annual General Meeting. Members who hold senior roles, preferably ED or CEO, and have an interest in representing their divisional needs while also shaping the strategic direction of CSSEA, are strongly encouraged to put their names forward. Panel members will be selected at the upcoming AGM, taking place on October 25 in Vancouver at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel. Elections will be held (if required) to select a total of four members for two-year terms; two current panel members whose terms are expiring have indicated their desires to re-run.

The Role of the Panels

The general mandate of the panels is outlined in Bylaw 9.06 and can be found in CSSEA's Constitution and Bylaws. The main role of panel members include the following:

  1. Select divisional representatives to serve on the board of directors
  2. Participate in the development of CSSEA’s strategic plan
  3. Support the strategic direction of CSSEA
  4. Provide direction to CSSEA on all member initiatives and serve as a reference group, as required
  5. Assist with conference and AGM planning
  6. Serve as divisional leaders within their membership division
  7. Communicate with their divisional members
  8. Bring forward member issues to the board
  9. Represent and communicate the substance and intent of CSSEA’s initiatives, policies and decisions in other social services members’ forums
  10. Enhance CSSEA’s public image
  11. Assist with the BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence planning…

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Announcing 2022 Community Social Services Awards of Excellence Recipients

CSSEA is pleased to announce this year’s Community Social Services Awards of Excellence recipients. Now in their seventh year, the awards, sponsored by TELUS, continues to recognize individuals with varying lengths of service who have made outstanding contributions to the social services sector. On behalf of a member panel who reviewed and shortlisted all nominations, as well as an external judging committee who evaluated and ultimately narrowed down the shortlisted nominations to a single winner in each category, we congratulate the following recipients:

Rising Star - Angela Vermeer

Outreach Support Worker at Chilliwack Society for Community Living Community Living Services (CSCL) Community Living Services

When Angela began her practicum at Chilliwack Society for Community Living after completing the Community Support Worker program, her intention was to work with children. Soon after she arrived, though, she realized her passion was in outreach. As a single parent who experienced poverty and homelessness, Angela connected with and became a strong advocate for those who were in similar situations. She shows unwavering dedication to those she supports, often adjusting her own schedule and coming in on days off to ensure their needs are met. She has gone into homeless camps, shelters, and precarious locations to help vulnerable individuals in need of a listening ear and non-judgemental support. Perhaps Angela’s greatest strength is her passion for supporting women with disabilities who are new parents. Angela actively works with new or expectant mothers to acquire the skills to parent safely and effectively. She is knowledgeable about infant development and has been involved with developing a parenting program specifically for mothers with developmental disabilities. In her four years at CSCL, Angela has cemented her position as a much-loved colleague who co-workers regularly turn to for advice and direction.

Hero - Neil Cutler

Community Support Worker at Nanaimo Supportive Lifestyles Ltd. Community Living Services

Hired straight out of University as a Community Support Worker in 2005, Neil has been making his mark at Nanaimo Supportive Lifestyles Ltd. for 17 years. Far from someone who clocks in and out of work, Neil has proactively and enthusiastically spearheaded a number of agency initiatives for the benefit of those he supports. He founded Nanaimo Community Dances in 2006 on his own time to provide individuals with diverse abilities large dance events several times a year. This endeavour included recruiting volunteers, purchasing equipment (which he did with his own money), finding space and honing his craft as a DJ, all which proved worthwhile given its huge community success. Neil reimagined the format of the dances when the pandemic hit, quickly turning them into virtual events that attracted participants from all over North America. The dance initiative, however, is not Neil’s only achievement. He also took yoga teacher training and specialized in trauma-sensitive yoga, which is a wildly successful service that he now leads. Neil also manages a weekly Board Game Group, where the focus is on in-person interactions without the distractions of digital devices. By championing these activities, Neil has proven to be an uplifting force in the lives of those he serves and has brought joy to countless individuals.…

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Final Reminder: Essential Services Negotiations Deadlines

This is a follow-up to two previous CSSEA Info’s sent on June 3 and June 24. Agencies that have essential services should be in local negotiations with their shop stewards and union representative, or have dates scheduled to do so.  

Members are reminded that by no later than July 29: 

  1. They must advise Vangie Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if agreement is not reached or
  2. They must send all agreed forms (Forms A to E) to Vangie Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .…

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Registration Now Open for CSSEA In-Person AGM and Conference!

After a two-year pause in holding in-person conferences, CSSEA is excited to once again invite members to attend this year’s event, aptly named Together & Forward, taking place in Vancouver at the Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle Hotel from October 25-27.

With guidance from the AGM Planning Committee, Together & Forward promises to offer the high quality human resources and labour relations workshops that members have come to expect. This year, we will also prioritize networking opportunities, as we recognize members’ desires to re-connect meaningfully after what has been an unpredictably long absence. To that end, attendees can expect extended opportunities to socialize with colleagues, as well as more plenary sessions.

Annual General Meeting

CSSEA will be holding an in-person Annual General Meeting on October 25. Based on the positive experience the last two years of holding Divisional Sessions ahead of the General Session, we will continue to hold Divisional Sessions separately; this will ensure each division has ample time to discuss issues and, if necessary, hold elections. We ask members to register for both their Divisional Session and the General Session, and remind all attendees that only member owners, Executive Directors or CEOs may vote at the AGM. In addition to the AGM, CSSEA will be holding a “Blue Sky” Pre-Strategic Planning Consultation in preparation for the drafting of CSSEA’s next Strategic Plan. Members of CSSEA’s Board, along with CSSEA’s CEO, will consult with members on their broad strategic priorities for the years ahead and also provide an overview of how CSSEA’s strategic direction is set, particularly within the confines of our mandate. Attendance to both the AGM and Strategic Planning Consultation will be free of charge.…

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REMINDER: Employer Essential Services Forms Due by July 8

Further to this CSSEA Info issued on June 3, members are reminded that they are required to inform CSSEA about their essential services and to remit the required forms, if applicable.

Agencies that do not have any essential services must send the following e-mail to Vangie Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : “<LEGAL NAME OF AGENCY> does not have any essential services as defined in the Global Order.” This e-mail must be received by no later than July 8.

Agencies that have essential services must complete these forms by no later than July 8:
Form A - Employer Background Information
Form B - Bargaining Unit Staffing
Form B-2 - Supported Living - Client Visit Report 
Form C - Management and Excluded Areas of Work 
Form D - Volunteers
Form E - Signature Log
Forms A to E can be found: HERE
Instructions for Forms A to E can be found: HERE

Members must complete Forms A to D, and submit them to both their shop stewards and union representative(s) by no later than July 8 to initiate discussions over essential services staffing levels.

Please use the following contact list for the union representatives who must receive your completed Forms A to D (if two contacts are listed please send to both), and to commence the negotiations process:

Union Name  Email Email Address
BCGEU Shelly Appleton
Deb Wilson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BCNU Carolin Bleich
David Ling
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CUPE Michael Reed This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CLAC Aleasha Wegner This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CSWU Shelley Moore This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HEU Robbin Knox
Christina Lloyd-Jones
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HSA Colin Brehaut  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
USW Marty Gibbons This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Local negotiations should be scheduled as soon as possible. Remember:
1) Members must advise Vangie Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if agreement is not reached by no later than July 29.
2) Members must send all agreed forms (Forms A to E) to Vangie Johnson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 29.…

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Member Action Required for Essential Services Planning

CSSEA and CSSBA have agreed to prepare for essential services staffing levels in the event of strike action by the unions. On May 31, 2022, the CSSBA under Section 72(1) of the Labour Relations Code applied for the designation of essential services. On June 1, 2022, the Minister of Labour directed the Labour Relations Board to designate the facilities, productions and services it considers necessary or essential to prevent immediate and serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of British Columbia. The Labour Relations Board has the ultimate responsibility for determining staffing levels during a work stoppage.

The last Essential Services Orders were issued by the Labour Relations Board in 2012. As such, employers and unions must review and update their 2012 Orders (where they exist) in order to determine the current required levels of essential services.

For more information about essential services, please read this backgrounder.…

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Employers Required to Implement Communicable Disease Guidelines

WorkSafeBC recently advised that employers are now required to implement workplace communicable disease guidelines and are no longer required to have COVID-19-specific safety plans.

For details on the requirements of this change, please see this WorkSafeBC Communicable Disease Prevention link. The link highlights basic risk reduction principles regarding workplace transmission of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. In times that the risk of COVID-19 transmission is elevated, such as seasonally, employers will be advised by medical health officers or the Provincial Health Officer on the measures they need to take to manage the risk.

Employers may also wish to use WorkSafeBC’s Communicable disease prevention: A guide for employers for information on how to develop an effective communicable disease plan. In addition, members can access the Community Social Services Health & Safety Association of BC’s Community Social Services Communicable Disease Prevention – Overview Template (under the COVID-19 Resource tab) for a sample template.…

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Final Call for Awards of Excellence Nominations

There are now just three days remaining to complete your Community Social Services Awards of Excellence nominations.

The Awards of Excellence, sponsored by TELUS, celebrates four individuals working in various stages of their careers in the publicly-funded community social services sector. The awards will be presented in person for the first time since 2019, on October 26, 2022 at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Vancouver Hotel. You can find details on awards categories, as well as the online nomination form, on our awards website.

CSSEA will be accepting nominations until this Friday, April 22 at 5pm. Nominators are welcome to continue editing or revising nominations online until the due date, after which they will automatically be considered final. In addition, members are encouraged to re-submit nominations for individuals not chosen to receive an award in previous years.…

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Communications Contact

Doris Sun
Director of Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.