2024 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report Form Now Available.
For a copy of the Report form, user guide, other information or to register for a session Click Here
As part of the Minister of Finance’s recent public communication regarding the Economic Stability Dividend, all public sector employers have been asked by government to distribute the attached letter to employees covered by a collective agreement negotiated under the Economic Stability Mandate.
The Dividend was announced on November 17th and is fully funded under the terms of the collective agreement – details and further information can be found here. You can also find updated sectoral wage grids posted to the CSSEA website here and updated wage grids for delegated programs here.
Government recognizes public sector employees’ contribution to building a strong and vibrant economy and, as such, they deserve to share in the growth. A short Q&A has also been attached for your information (not to be included in the distribution) to ensure clear, consistent answers can be provided if employees have additional inquiries about the Dividend.…
As part of the Minister of Finance’s recent public communication regarding the Economic Stability Dividend, all public sector employers have been asked by government to distribute the attached letter to employees covered by a collective agreement negotiated under the Economic Stability Mandate.
The Dividend was announced on November 17th and is fully funded under the terms of the collective agreement – details and further information can be found here. You can also find an updated wage grid posted to the CSSEA website here.
Government recognizes public sector employees’ contribution to building a strong and vibrant economy and, as such, they deserve to share in the growth. A short Q&A has also been attached for your information (not to be included in the general distribution) to ensure clear, consistent answers can be provided if employees have additional inquiries about the Dividend.…
British Columbia’s public-sector workers will see a modest salary increase reflecting stronger-than-expected economic growth in 2014, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today.Statistics Canada recently reported that the B.C. economy grew by 3.2% in 2014, exceeding the forecast provided by the independent Economic Forecast Council (EFC) of 2.3%. That translates into an additional increase of 0.45% for unionized provincial public-sector employees who have reached agreements under the government’s Economic Stability Mandate for collective bargaining.
Most employees will see the increase applied to their paycheques in February 2016. This will be the first time B.C. public-sector employees have directly benefited from economic growth that exceeded independent forecasts.
As part of the 2014 Economic Stability Mandate, government committed to introducing a shared benefit that activates an ongoing wage increase when GDP growth exceeds EFC forecasts. The wage increase is calculated based on 50% of the positive variance between the EFC forecast and the data released by Statistics Canada.
B.C.’s real GDP growth of 3.2% for 2014 is the second highest among all provinces.
Finance Minister Michael de Jong ─
“The premise is simple – public-sector employees did their part to support a strong economic future by providing labour stability and certainty for British Columbia, and they deserve to share in the benefits when economic growth exceeds expectations. While global economic uncertainty continues, the B.C. economy has proven its resilience and outperformed expectations.”
• This is the first of four potential Economic Stability Dividends designed to share the benefit of economic growth with the public-sector workers who help make it possible.
• The increase is cumulative, and is in addition to the wage increases in each of the collective agreements negotiated under the 2014 Economic Stability Mandate.
• The dividend is paid if the Province’s real GDP growth exceeds forecasts over the term of the agreement.
What it means for the Community Social Services Sector (examples based on Step 4 of the pay grid):
The Economic Stability Dividend, a component of the 2014 Economic Stability Mandate and included in the 2014-2019 collective agreements, allows for ongoing general wage increases when the provincial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth exceeds Economic Forecast Council (EFC) forecasts. The wage increases are calculated based on 50% of the positive difference between the EFC forecast and the provincial GDP data released by Statistics Canada.
Statistics Canada has just released the 2014 provincial GDP data and the Minister of Finance will be announcing the amount of the dividend.
Once CSSEA has calculated the increases, new wage grids will be published. The first dividend will be applied to the first pay period after February 1, 2016.…
According to the CSSBA and CSSEA members are required to use a revised Medical Information Form when requesting medical information. The form was revised as a result of a decision by Arbitrator Wayne Moore. A copy of the Arbitrator’s decision and the revised Medical Information Form have been posted to our website in the Members' section under Health and Wellness Benefits.
For more information please contact your HRLR Consultant.
A federal election will be held Monday, October 19, 2015. Pursuant to the sectoral collective agreements between CSSEA and the Community Social Services Bargaining Association and the Canada Elections Act, employees are entitled to a minimum number of hours off without loss of pay during voting hours.
• Time off is without loss of pay.
• Time off is to be granted at the convenience of the employer.
• Employers need only provide sufficient time off to make up the minimum block of time during the period that polls are open.…
On September 3, 2015, CSSEA hosted a webinar presentation by Stephen Symon, ILS Manager: Health Care, Social Services and Education with WorkSafeBC on Bill 9 which contains a number of changes to Part 3 of the Workers Compensation Act (the Act).
The goal of the changes is to improve workplace health and safety and strengthen the tools that WorkSafeBC uses to enforce the Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
The changes to the Act that became effective May 14, 2015 include:…
We are pleased to offer you the 2014 Employee Turnover Report – by Classification and a one-page highlight. These documents are available for download from the Social Services Workforce Information System (WFIS), under CSSEA Publications.
The 2014 Employee Turnover Report – by Classification supplements the 2014 Employee Turnover Report and provides an overview of employee turnover rates for the sector by job classification.
The information contained in this report is compiled from data collected via the 2014 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey.…
We are pleased to offer you the 2014 Management and Excluded Salary Report and a one-page highlight. These documents are available for download from the Social Services Workforce Information System (WFIS), under CSSEA Publications.
The purpose of this report is to provide members with a salary administration tool for the most commonly reported management and excluded jobs in the social services sector.
The information contained in this report is compiled from data collected via the 2014 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey. We would like to thank you for your participation in the survey.…
Registration is now open and the 2015 AGM and Conference brochure has been mailed to the primary contact of each member and associate. The event is being held October 5 - 7 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel in Vancouver.
A highlight of this year’s event will be the presentation of the first BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence to four outstanding individuals at the Awards Luncheon on Monday, October 5.
For information about the program, session outlines, fees, accommodation and to register online, go to the 2015 AGM and Conference webpage.…
As part of CSSEA’s ongoing commitment of providing members with added value services, we are pleased to present the 2014 Social Services Sector HR Metrics Report.
The report and a one-page highlight are available for download from the Social Services Workforce Information System (WFIS), under CSSEA Publications.
The information contained in this report is compiled from data collected via the Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey. We would like to thank you for your participation in the survey which enabled us to produce this and many other valuable reports.…
Doris Sun
Director of Communications
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