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2016 Social Services Sector HR Metrics Report Now Available

As part of CSSEA’s ongoing commitment to provide members with value-added services, we are pleased to present the 2016 Social Services Sector HR Metrics Report. The report and one page highlights are available for download from the Social Services Workforce Information System (WFIS) on CSSEA’s website.

This report was made possible by data collected through the Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey. As always, we thank you for your participation in the survey, which allows us to continue producing reports that offer valuable sectoral insights.

If you have not yet completed the 2017 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey, please do so by May 31, 2017.

Any questions about this report, survey completion, or access to WFIS can be directed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .…

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Time Off For Employees to Vote in the Provincial Election

The province’s 41st general election will be taking place May 9, 2017. Employers are reminded that, in accordance with the collective agreements and the Election Act, employees are entitled to a minimum number of hours off without loss of pay during voting hours. Time off to vote is to be granted at the convenience of the employer and employers are only required to provide sufficient time off to make up the minimum block of time during the period that polls are open.

Polls will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Pacific Time) on Tuesday, May 9, 2017.

How to Calculate Time Off

According to Article 20.5 (Elections) of the collective agreements:

Any employee eligible to vote in a federal, provincial, municipal, First Nations or other Aboriginal election or a referendum shall have four (4) consecutive clear hours during the hours in which the polls are open in which to cast their ballot.

Employers are not obligated to grant each employee four (4) hours off work to vote where unnecessary. Rather, employers must provide sufficient time away from work to make up a four (4) hour block of time during the period that the polls are open.…

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CSSEA Info - Final Two Weeks to Nominate

There are now two weeks remaining to nominate an outstanding individual for a BC Community Social Services Award of Excellence. The awards pay tribute to four individuals working in various stages of their careers in BC’s publicly funded community social services sector. To begin or resume a nomination, or to preview the four nomination questions, go to the Nominate section of our Awards website. The website also provides full details on the awards categories, previous recipients and the evaluation process.

This year’s recipients will be honoured at a luncheon in Kelowna on October 25 during our 2017 AGM and Conference.

If you have any questions, please contact Doris Sun at: 604.601.3110, toll free at 1.800.377.3340 ext. 110 or via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .…

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CSSEA Info - New Occupational Health and Safety Regulations to Come Into Effect

Three new WorkSafeBC Occupational Health & Safety Regulations (OHSR) will be implemented effective April 3, 2017. The new regulations will require that joint committees be evaluated annually; that minimum mandatory training and education be conducted for joint committee members and worker health and safety representatives; and that full and meaningful participation is defined when dealing with accident reporting and employer incident investigations.

New Regulations in Detail

1) Evaluation of Joint Committees

Section 3.26 requires employers to ensure an evaluation of each of its joint committees is conducted annually. The purpose of the evaluation is to allow a joint committee, after a year in operation, to examine its effectiveness and think about how to improve in following years.

The evaluation must be conducted by either:…

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CSSEA Info: Help Us Recognize Excellence in the Sector

If you have friends, colleagues or relatives who work in BC's publicly funded community social services sector and exemplify dedication and passion, we want to hear from you! Nominations are now open for the third annual BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence, presented by CSSEA and sponsored by TELUS.

Four Award Categories

The Awards of Excellence celebrate four individuals who provide vital services to some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

The award categories are:
• Rising Star: An individual with less than five years of experience who demonstrates early success.
• Leader: An individual with more than five years of formal leadership experience who leads and mentors a team to achieve a common goal.
• Hero: Someone who goes the extra mile to make a difference, not necessarily in a formal leadership role.
• Legend: An ED or CEO with at least 15 years of experience who has made extraordinary contributions to the community and the sector.…

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CSSEA Info - Update on CSSEA's New WorkSafeBC Claims Management Process

In November, CSSEA informed members about a change in process for managing WorkSafeBC claims. Since then, we have been in contact with the Employers’ Advisers Office (EAO), an independent organization established under Section 94 of the Workers’ Compensation Act of BC, which provides advice, assistance, representation and training to employers on WSBC matters. CSSEA has established a process for members with questions, concerns or representation needs on a WSBC claim to utilize the services of the EAO.

Effective immediately, any CSSEA member wishing to be represented in an employee’s WSBC sickness or injury claim should:

  • • Contact the EAO as soon as possible to advise them of any concerns or objections, so the EAO can provide immediate advice, assistance and/or ongoing representation related to the claim.
  • • Phone the EAO toll-free at: 1.800.925.2233. This toll-free number is staffed Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Employers should identify themselves as a CSSEA member so the call can be directed to a core team that will work with CSSEA members and enhance their understanding of community social services interests.
  • • E-mail questions, inquiries or copies of claims forms to a confidential address created exclusively for CSSEA members: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .…

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CSSEA Info - 2016 Employee Turnover Report Now Available

The 2016 Employee Turnover Report, along with a one-page Highlights, are now available. The report provides details about turnover rates in the sector by service division, region and employee group. This report was made possible by your participation in CSSEA’s 2016 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey. For the first time, 107 non-CSSEA social services agencies also participated in the survey, allowing us to compare turnover statistics between the unionized and non-unionized sectors.

In order for CSSEA to continue providing added value by way of various survey reports, we require your feedback in our 2017 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey. Members have until May 31st to complete the survey.

To assist with survey completion, as well as to familiarize members with WFIS, discuss updates on the distribution of the comparability and classification anomaly wage increases and introduce new reports and enhancements, CSSEA will be holding a series of orientation sessions around the province starting next week. Members are strongly encouraged to attend and can peruse the schedule and complete a simple registration form online.

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Your Input is Needed in 2017 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey

The 2017 Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey is now available to complete. It is very important that all members complete the survey, as your data needs to be included in the sector’s total compensation cost reported to the Public Sector Employers’ Council (PSEC), as it supports the implementation of the 2014-2019 collective agreements. Data collected will also be used to inform the allocation and distribution of the April 1, 2018 compensation comparability and classification anomaly wage increases.

Members have until May 31, 2017 to submit the survey through one of the following options:

  1.  The Excel Survey, which is the recommended method for most members.
  2. The Work Force Information System (WFIS), where data can be entered directly online or can be copied from last year’s survey and then edited online.
  3. Payroll Extract for members using ComVida EMS42 Payroll and Payworks Payroll which allows member to export relevant information and includes a short supplementary survey. For members using payroll extract for the first time or to submit your extract, please contact David Lin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . For payroll vendor-specific questions, please consult your applicable contact:…

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2.5% Classification Anomaly and Compensation Comparability Wage Increase Effective April 1, 2017

CSSEA and CSSBA agreed on the distribution of the April 1, 2017 Comparability and Classification Anomaly Wage Increases. The intention of the Comparability Adjustment is to close the wage gap with the comparator classification in Community Health. The agreement provides for the following wage increases:

  • •98.3% of all FTEs would be eligible for a 2.5% increase in wages effective April 1, 2017. 
  • •The target has been met for Step 4 for Program Coordinator 1 Grid Level 12A, Volunteer Coordinator Grid Level 12A, and as such increases will only be applied to steps 1 to 3. 
  • •The target has been met for Steps 2 to 4 for Crisis Line Coordinator Grid Level 13A and as such increases will only be applied to Step 1. 
  • •Paraprofessional Grid Level 15P classifications will receive additional $1.00 per hour on top of the 2.5% wage increase.
  • •Paraprofessional Grid Levels 17P, 18P, 19P and 20P classifications will receive additional $0.65 per hour on top of the 2.5% wage increase.

The Joint CSSEA and CSSBA Committee will continue to meet this year to determine the wage adjustments scheduled for April 1, 2018. Future compensation comparability and classification anomaly wage increases may result in different percentage increases for some classifications, similar to this year. To be eligible for comparability money a classification must meet the following criteria to qualify for a wage adjustment:…

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New Wage Grids Released (Aboriginal Services Delegated Programs)

Updated wage grids that incorporate the recently announced Economic Stability Dividend (ESD) and general wage increases are now available.

As members are likely aware, the Minister of Finance recently announced the ESD, which amounts to a 0.35% wage increase for employees covered by collective agreements settled under the government’s Economic Stability Mandate. Both the ESD and general wage increase of 1% will come into effect February 1, 2017 for Bargaining Unit positions and February 5, 2017 for Delegated positions. A second general wage increase of 0.5% will be effective April 2, 2017 for Delegated positions only. Employees receiving the ESD include those working in bargaining unit positions and excluded employees working in positions deemed union equivalent.

For further information or questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.…

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New Wage Grids Released (Aboriginal Services)

Updated wage grids that incorporate the recently announced Economic Stability Dividend (ESD) and general wage increases are now available.

As members are likely aware, the Minister of Finance recently announced the ESD, which amounts to a 0.35% wage increase for employees covered by collective agreements settled under the government’s Economic Stability Mandate. Both the ESD and general wage increase of 1% will come into effect February 1, 2017 for Bargaining Unit positions and February 5, 2017 for Delegated positions. A second general wage increase of 0.5% will be effective April 2, 2017 for Delegated positions only. Employees receiving the ESD include those working in bargaining unit positions and excluded employees working in positions deemed union equivalent.

For further information or questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.…

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Communications Contact

Doris Sun
Director of Communications
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