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Employer Description Updates

CSSEA is currently working with the unions to draft, print and distribute the new collective agreements, and require members’ input to facilitate this process efficiently. Part of the drafting process involves updating the Appendix that lists the employers who are party to the collective agreements. The list of employers should be identical to the ones attached to each union certification in each of CSSEA’s three divisions (Indigenous Services, Community Living Services, and General Services). These certification documents are issued by the Labour Relations Board (LRB). Given that the lists should be identical, CSSEA and the unions are updating both sets of lists at the same time. CSSEA will also take this opportunity to update the list of Employers found in our Accreditation Order and the Employer Regulation under the Public Sector Employers Act

To assist with these updates, employers are asked to:…

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Compensation and Employee Turnover Report


CSSEA Members

For a copy of the report form, user guide or other information, please Click Here.

To register for a CSSEA Orientation Session, please select the 2024 CSSEA Agency Compensation and Employee Turnover Report from our Online Registration Here.

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555 Burrard Street, Box 232
Vancouver, BC  V7X 1M8
  Office Hours
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