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If there are changes to your agency's leadership, address or contact information, please let us know by filling out the applicable sections of this Form  so that we may update our membership records.

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Message from the CEO

Message from the CEO

The Community Social Services Employers’ Association of BC (CSSEA) is one of six public sector employers’ associations in British Columbia.  Established in 1994 by the Public Sector Employers Act, we are responsible for collective bargaining, the coordination of human resources and labour relations for the social services sector as well as fostering positive working relationships with the unions in the sector. 

Our vision: To be a leader in human resources and labour relations and trusted advisor to our membership and government for the community social services sector.

CSSEA does not deliver services to families and individuals; however where we strive to make a difference is by adding value to our member organizations in all of their everyday human resources interactions. We practice passionate leadership in a sector already known for its passion, commitment and dedication to their clients and communities. Our 200 plus members and over 100 associate organizations provide a diverse range of services to some of the most vulnerable British Columbians in our communities.…

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Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair


I am pleased to continue serving as your Board Chair for the year 2022-23. It is my belief that 2023 will be an exciting and eventful year, built on the extensive groundwork laid over the past few years. With new collective agreements expected to be negotiated, members will have direction and certainty in the coming years, while British Columbians can rest assured that the most vulnerable members of our communities will continue to receive the vital services they require. This round of collective bargaining has involved over a year of behind-the-scenes preparation, consultation with members and negotiations with the unions. On behalf of the Board, I thank CSSEA’s Employer Bargaining Committee members, Mark Slobin and Gentil Mateus for giving so much of their time and expertise to get the collective agreement past the finish line.

Members can also expect a new strategic plan in 2023. CSSEA’s Board and Panel members are preparing to convene this spring to draft a new plan that will set CSSEA’s strategic direction, likely into 2026. While the membership anticipates a formalized plan to be released later this year, we have a loose framework of overall member objectives, obtained through the BlueSky Strategic Planning Consultation Session that took place at CSSEA’s 2022 AGM and Conference, from which to draw direction. The next strategic plan is our opportunity to clearly define and work towards CSSEA’s roles and responsibilities to its members, the sector and the province of BC. I believe the next strategic plan will more expressly define CSSEA’s role in the context of its responsibilities to both members and government. I look forward to engaging with my colleagues, government and CSSEA staff to strengthen CSSEA’s strategic role as we look towards the next few years. I will be reporting back on our progress at the 2023 AGM and Conference, taking place October 25-27 in Kelowna, and invite you to send any questions or comments to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.…

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CSSEA was established by government to coordinate collective bargaining for publicly-funded employers in the sector. CSSEA negotiates three collective agreements in the sector. These collective agreements cover approximately 200 employers and close to 27, 000 employees working in community social services. The cost of labour under these collective agreements is approaching $1 billion so the provincial government remains invested in how this money is spent in collective bargaining.

The three agreements in the community social services sector are established by the Community Services Labour Relations Act and they are typically negotiated at the same time and with many common terms. Your organization is party to one of the three collective agreements based on the main services you provide: community living, Indigenous child and family, or general services (i.e., all other types of community social services). Individual employer and union collective agreements have not been negotiated in this sector since 1999, given the efficiency of group bargaining and the common interests that employers in this sector share with one another. Your organization has an influence in shaping the terms of your collective agreement by participating in the pre-bargaining feedback process, nominating representatives to sit on CSSEA’s divisional panel so they can join the bargaining committee to directly negotiate with the unions, and by participating in the ratification process of any tentative agreements reached by the bargaining committee. A representative of your organization can also be elected to shape CSSEA’s policies and strategic direction by participating in CSSEA governance through divisional panels and the Board of Directors.

CSSEA is one of six employers’ associations in BC, responsible for coordinating labour relations and human resources activity for the community social services sector. There are similar employer associations or representatives established for other public sectors where funding for services originates mainly from government, like health care, education, universities, and crown corporations. The mandate of all of the employer associations is determined by Section 6 of the Public Sector Employers Act. These mandates form the core of CSSEA’s responsibilities to your organization and to government. CSSEA is not an advocacy organization; rather, its legislated mandate is to coordinate activities for our sector in the following areas:

  1. Collective bargaining
  2. Human resource practices
  3. Benefit administration
  4. Compensation for non-union employees of members
  5. Fostering positive relationships with the unions; and
  6. Assisting the government in the delivery of their strategic initiatives…

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  Our Address:Suite 800 - Two Bentall Centre
555 Burrard Street, Box 232
Vancouver, BC  V7X 1M8
  Office Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Monday - Friday

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