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Community Living Services

Janice Barr, Richmond Society for Community Living
Lilla Tipton, Inclusion Powell River Society

General Services

Diane Entwistle, Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs
Sanjay Gulati, Mission Community Services Society
Rod Santiago, Abbotsford Community Services 
Lois Wynne, Sea to Sky Community Services Society

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Delegate Subsidy

CSSEA offers a limited delegate subsidy to encourage participation of member agencies at the 2015  AGM and Conference. Priority will be given to agencies that have never sent a delegate to a meeting or that are experiencing financial hardship.

The subsidy is available to one person per voting member agency. It requires the delegate attend the Annual General Meeting on Monday, October 5, at least two half-day courses offered during the conference and stay at least one night at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel.

CSSEA will cover the delegate's registration fee, valued at $235, and provide up to $500 towards travel and accommodation costs. Reimbursement will be paid after the event.…

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Resolutions may be proposed to the AGM by the board, a panel or a member.

Categories of Resolutions

Resolutions generally reflect one of two categories:

  1. Special Resolution - an amendment to the association's Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. Policy Resolution - a policy direction or action that falls within the mandate of the association and requires action to be taken by the board or staff.

Submitting Resolutions

If you wish to submit a resolution, please contact Kathie Best, Director, Corporate Services, at 604.601.3107 or 1.800.377.3340 extension 107. The deadline for the submission of resolutions is September 11, 2015.

After the deadline, resolutions may be heard at the AGM if submitted in writing to the AGM Chair and approved by the board for consideration.

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Special Events

  Monday, October 5

BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence Luncheon       

11:30 am - 1:45 pm  * ticket required

The first annual BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence will be presented to four outstanding individuals who go the extra mile to make a difference in the community social services sector. Join in the recognition and celebration of these extraordinary community social services employees.

Hospitality Receptions Hosted by Benefit Providers
4:15 pm - 6:30 pm

Pacific Blue Cross has partnered with BC's largest pharmacy retailers in finding solutions to the problem of rising drug costs. The Preferred Pharmacy Network (PPN) is a collaboration with retailers to deliver exceptional value on pricing on drugs, assistance with PharmaCare's Special Authority program, medication management, health and wellness clinics, and much more about our PPN.

The Community Services Benefits Trust is pleased to host a reception for its valued members. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about how a central dispensing pharmacy can help control rising prescription drug costs and provide Plan Members with convenient delivery of their medication.


Tuesday, October 6

Breakfast and presentation by WorkSafeBC     
8:00 am - 8:45 am  

WorkSafeBC Employer Safety Planning Tool Kit:How changes you make impact your injury rates and claims costs
The presentation will focus on the power of your WorkSafeBC data, how to access the data and how best to use the tool kit.

Mix and Mingle Reception

4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Network with colleagues and CSSEA staff and make new acquaintances over refreshments and appetizers.



 * Awards Luncheon ticket will be included in your registration package

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ED/CEO Plenary

Partnerships for the Financial Viability of Your Organization
Panelists: Brenda Byberg, Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; Diane Entwistle, Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs; Doug Tennant, Semiahmoo House Society 

The sustainability of your organization is crucial to your clients and the community in which it is an active member. With increasing demands, rising costs, and ongoing budget restraint, it will take innovation, creativity, and conviction to ensure the viability of your organization.

In this session, the panel members will share how their agencies have successfully implemented community partnership initiatives and address questions such as how to develop a healthy alliance with a business in your community and what business strategies you can employ to increase revenue.

Succession Planning: Our Stories
Panelists: Brenda Gillette, Chilliwack Society for Community Living; Doug Sabourin, Deltassist Community Services Society; Judy Valsonis, Touchstone Family Association

As the workforce ages, senior manager retirement is inevitable. Has your agency identified who will lead it through the challenges ahead? Is your emerging leader ready to take on the responsibilities of managing a social services organization at this time?

In this session, the panel members will share how their agencies have managed or are dealing with a change in leadership, how they identified a successor, and strategies they used in developing the skills of that person to prepare them for their future role as a leader.

Risk Management: What You Should Know
Panelists: Liz Barnett, North Shore Disability Resource Centre Association; Janice Barr, Richmond Society for Community Living; Lois Wynne, Sea to Sky Community Services Society

Ensuring the safety of your organization and its stakeholders is essential to good organizational management. It is the responsibility of the board and senior management to have a sound and practical risk management plan in place. Organizational risks relevant to your agency include financial, property, and personal safety of clients and employees, reputational and legal liabilities, and fraud.…

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  Our Address:Suite 800 - Two Bentall Centre
555 Burrard Street, Box 232
Vancouver, BC  V7X 1M8
  Office Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Monday - Friday

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