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Executive Director/CEO Plenary

Back by popular demand this full-day plenary session is targeted specifically at leaders in the community social services sector to provide them with knowledge and insight on emerging trends and issues. Comprised of four presentations the plenary will provide clarification on CSSEA’s role in the sector through its board and panels, legal issues to be aware of when managing external contractors, emerging issues in HRLR that affect day-to-day operations of a non-profit organization, and things to consider when the media become interested in a crisis situation at your workplace.

Clarifying CSSEA’s Role in the Community Social Services Sector
Lindsie Thomson, Harris & Company LLP

Gain insight into CSSEA’s role in the community social services sector by learning about its governance structure and the responsibilities of CSSEA’s board and panels as defined by the association’s constitution and bylaws. This informative session will answer many commonly asked questions and clarify misconceptions about CSSEA’s purpose in the public sector and its responsibility to members and government. At the end of the session members will be well informed to hold CSSEA accountable through its divisional panels and the board.

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  Our Address:Suite 800 - Two Bentall Centre
555 Burrard Street, Box 232
Vancouver, BC  V7X 1M8
  Office Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Monday - Friday

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