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Board of Directors

The association is governed by a board of directors comprising of up to seven elected member representatives, three government appointees and one representative from a government authority. Elected by their respective divisional panel members during the annual general meeting, the elected board members serve a two-year term (a term being the period between annual general meetings) and may serve consecutive terms. 

Role of board members

The board exists to ensure, on behalf of its constituents (government and members), that the association is effective and efficient in providing human resources and labour relations advice and services necessary to enable the constituents to fulfill their mandates. Please refer to the Governance Manual for complete details on the roles and responsibilities of the board.

In conjunction with other members of the board, the board will:

    • Supervise the management of the association.
    • Exercise all the powers of the association.
    • Set the strategic direction of the association, including determining the association's mission, purpose and long-range goals.
    • Recruit, empower, monitor and advise the Chief Executive Officer.
    • Shepherd and safeguard the association's resources including approving major financial decisions.
    • Communicate with all members, specifically with divisional and/or geographical constituents, both informally and formally.
    • Represent and communicate the substance and intent of the association's initiatives, policies and decisions in the other social services members' forums.
    • Contribute to and support PSEC in the fulfillment of its mandate.
    • Enhance the association's public image.
    • Act in accordance with the Society Act and Regulations.…

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  Our Address:Suite 800 - Two Bentall Centre
555 Burrard Street, Box 232
Vancouver, BC  V7X 1M8
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