Associates are invited to complete the 2014 Associate Compensation and Employee Turnover Survey. This is the first time CSSEA has invited associates to participate and we are excited to be able to provide you with this opportunity.
The voluntary survey was designed by CSSEA’s Sector Data Advisory Committee, comprised of volunteers from agencies across British Columbia, to provide insight into compensation, recruitment and retention in the sector.
Associates that participate in the survey will benefit from the following valuable reports compiled from aggregate data, including:
In addition, labour force metrics will be calculated for your agency, such as:
To participate, please download the Excel Survey from:
To assist with data entry a user guide is available to download from:
The user guide provides an overview of the data requirements, instruction on how to enter data and provides answers to commonly asked questions.
To support your agency, CSSEA has scheduled an orientation session to review the survey on Thursday, September 11 at 1:00 PM at CSSEA’s office in Vancouver.
I highly encourage staff responsible for completing the survey to participate in the orientation session to familiarize themselves with the survey and its data requirements.
If staff cannot attend in-person they can participate by online teleconference.
To register visit:
All data collected is processed according to CSSEA’s strict confidentiality policy. Agency-specific data will never be shared with government, other agencies or third parties without your prior consent.
We are here to help you complete the survey and answer any questions you might have.
For assistance completing the survey contact David Lin.
David Lin
604.601.3132 or Toll-free 1.800.377.3340 ext 132
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
While the survey is voluntary, the deadline to participate is October 31, 2014 in order for CSSEA to generate the reports.
Although the survey is voluntary we highly encourage your agency to participate as the reports generated from your data will provide valuable insight into your agency and the sector.