2024 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report Form Now Available.
For a copy of the Report form, user guide, other information or to register for a session Click Here
Members and Associates are reminded that the discounted early bird conference rate ends at 5pm tomorrow, September 10, 2024. If you plan on attending this year’s CSSEA AGM and Conference, Fresh Perspectives, taking place October 9-11 at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel, you are encouraged to register now to take advantage of preferential pricing and to secure space at your desired sessions.
CSSEA’s discounted hotel room block is now largely sold out. A few rooms remain at our contracted rate of $319/night for October 8 and October 11 but rates will be significantly higher for October 9 and 10. If you still require a room, please check availability and pricing here. If you have any questions, contact Doris Sun, Director of Communications, at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver next month!
Doris Sun
Director of Communications
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