2024 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report Form Now Available.
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Since announcing late last year that Satvinder Basran was appointed the Employers’ CSSEIP Coordinator, he has been engaged in outreach with members and gathered initial feedback on requirements for the successful functioning of the Program. The following Q&A addresses a number of key questions brought forward by the membership.
Satvinder has responsibility over the proper functioning of all aspects of the Early Intervention Program. He is also available to support members directly with:
• Advice on the development, updating, and application of Disability Management & Return To Work Agency Policies and Procedures;
• Understanding EIP absence trends at your Agency;
• Assisting in communications with union representatives to support employees to engage in the EIP where they are not properly participating;
• Assisting in communications with the benefit provider to address issues arising in the intake, case management, and the return to work (RTW) processes;
• Assisting with developing a RTW plan for an employee – with or without accommodations;
• Advice on the transitioning of employees from the EIP to LTD Plan should a return to work not be available.
Over the past four months, Satvinder has been meeting with a number of agencies who have experienced a variety of challenges with the EIP. These challenges include employees not participating in the program, communications concerns with the Disability Management Provider (DMP), and limitations or barriers experienced in the development of appropriate RTW plans.
He has also been making presentations around the province and has so far presented in Kamloops, Vernon, Kelowna, Prince George and at a recent CSSEA HR Practitioners meeting in Vancouver.
Yes. In his outreach, Satvinder has been collecting information about these challenges. In March, he met with three of the Benefits Providers: The Community Services Benefits Trust, Healthcare Benefit Trust, and Schmuck, Gatt & Smith. He has also met with the Disability Management Institute (DMI). He is arranging further meetings with DMI, as well as with Acclaim and Canada Life to better understand the process successes and challenges and put necessary action plans in place.
Yes. He is and will be collecting aggregate data about CSSEA members in these areas. One of the top priorities is to develop a CSSEIP disability management database that will identify the disability management status and trends in the sector.
Yes. Members are invited to reach out directly to Satvinder at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 604.601.3127 or toll free at 1.800.377.3340 ext. 127. CSSEA is also inviting members to complete this brief EIP Survey to inform how to improve the Program and, as appropriate, pursue additional changes in the upcoming round of collective bargaining. Please respond by June 30, 2024. We thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.
Doris Sun
Director of Communications
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