The 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was called to order on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 1:33 pm at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo, BC by the chair of CSSEA’s board of directors, acting as AGM chair.
The chair presented the following credentials report: 79 registered agencies eligible to vote.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the 2013 AGM as outlined in the on-site program be adopted as presented. M/S/C
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2013 rules of order as presented in the on-site program be accepted. M/S/C
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting as distributed to members in the July 2013 AGM package be accepted. M/S/C
The chair presented the report from the board of directors and highlighted some of the significant activities that occurred over the past year including the improvement of services to members and the provision of additional services; the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan; a new vision statement; the sector data project; the HR Practitioners’ Group meetings; the successful conclusion of bargaining for each division which provided a modest wage increase; the improvement of communications with the membership; and the funding ministries’ decision to not globally address the additional costs of funding the new collective agreements. The chair thanked the board and panel members for their support and dedication over the past year.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the board be approved as presented in the 2013 Annual Report that was included in the delegate kits. M/S/C
On behalf of the treasurer, the chair presented the Treasurer’s Report which included advising that the statements of operations and accumulated surplus and statements of financial position were included in the 2013 Annual Report that was distributed to members and included in the delegate kits. The complete Audited Financial Statements are available to members on the CSSEA website. For the year ending March 31, 2014, the board of directors approved an operating budget with $3.024 million in expenditures and revenues are forecasted at $2.819 million. The $205 thousand excess expenditures over revenues will be funded from the accumulated surplus. The chair, on behalf of the treasurer, thanked the finance committee for their input over the past year.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2013 Treasurer’s Report be adopted as presented. M/S/C
The chair advised that CSSEA has partnered with the Health Employers Association of BC and the Post-Secondary Employers’ Association in a joint tender process for audit services commencing April 1, 2015. By partnering with these other employers’ associations we are hoping to realize cost savings as well as an increase in service from our auditors. For the period 2013-2014, CSSEA will remain with Deloitte LLP as our auditors.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the accounting firm of Deloitte LLP, Vancouver BC be re‐appointed as the auditors of record for the period October 2, 2013 to October 21, 2014. M/S/C
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) addressed the membership and thanked the sponsors of this year’s AGM and fall conference for their generosity. He asked the delegates to refer to his CEO Report, as provided in the 2013 Annual Report. The CEO in addition to his report, highlighted that he met with the former CEOs the previous evening; he would like to position CSSEA to be a more effective voice in the sector; the budget is balanced; the HRLR Services team has engaged with the sector more this past year than in any other; WorkSafeBC projects are reducing premiums; and that it was a year that was dominated by collective bargaining. The 2012-2014 bargaining mandate was difficult for all sectors, but particularly social services. At this time, bridge funding or a global lift is not being offered and the unions do not wish to meet until the new wages are being paid by all agencies. Looking ahead, the unions are already in discussions for the next round of bargaining which is anchored on a funded mandate. He advised that he respects the position the membership is taking as it is in the best interest of their employees and clients. He asked that members consider the position they take now and in the future.
Divisional sessions were held. Following the divisional sessions, during which CSSEA staff representatives were asked to leave, a joint divisional session was held also without staff.
The general session resumed.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2013 Annual General Meeting be adjourned until a future date. M/S/C
It was noted that the AGM must be held within 15 months of the previous AGM. The chair, hearing no further business, declared this meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm.
The 2013 Annual General Meeting was reconvened and the meeting was called to order on Thursday, November 14, 2013, at 8:33 am at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, Vancouver, BC by the chair of the board of directors, as AGM chair.
The chair presented the following credential report: 64 registered agencies eligible to vote.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the continuation of the 2013 AGM provided at registration be adopted as presented. M/S/C
The CEO outlined how the community social services sector fits within the broader public sector, where it represents approximately 3% of the funding and less than 4% of the total number of employees. He noted CSSEA is currently engaged with the CSSBA in exploratory discussions regarding the 2014 collective agreements, which he expects will be concluded no later than December 15. Government is interested in securing labour stability and cost certainty with longer collective agreement terms and, above all, enabling them to balance the budget. While CSSEA, with membership representatives on the bargaining team, negotiate the best possible agreements within the PSEC mandate, CSSEA does not speak for the funders nor can CSSEA predict if, at some point in the future, there could be changes to the contract templates. However, we do ensure funders are aware of the financial implications of the new agreements and convey to members the outcome of those discussions. In the end, there are no absolute guarantees and each voting member needs to look at all the options carefully and decide what is best for their agency.
The CEO addressed the reason for the continuation of the 2013 AGM and responded to questions from the floor. Members expressed their concerns which included: inability to have reassurances regarding the funding of a collective agreement; the need for more communication between CSSEA and the membership; impact of staff layoffs; and more importantly the low level of trust as a result of how funding was addressed in the last round of bargaining and the impact it has had on member agencies. Further discussion took place with a number of the same questions being revisited by the delegates.
A joint divisional session was held which was followed by divisional sessions.
The general session resumed.
The chair of the Community Living Services divisional session, presented the Community Living Services divisional report, and announced that those panel members whose terms ended at this AGM have been re-elected and the representatives on the bargaining team will remain the same. She also reported that the group expressed a lack of trust between members and CSSEA; concern with the communication; last minute directives from PSEC; structure of public sector bargaining; and the risk that members may not ratify future agreements without having a commitment in writing from government and/or funders. The division prepared a resolution to be presented to the general session. The Community Living Services Panel is comprised of: Janice Barr, Fernando Coelho, Bill Fildes, Brenda Gillette, Eileen Howells, Tony Laing, Sheri McCluskey, Lilla Tipton; with Brenda Gillette, Janice Barr and Fernando Coelho serving on the bargaining committee, and Lilla Tipton and Tony Laing as alternates.
The chair of the General Services divisional session presented the General Services divisional report, and announced that Kelley Williams, Michael McCoy, Sanjay Gulati, Lois Wynne and Craig Monley had been elected to the panel. She reported that the discussion included the requirement for updated versions of the collective agreements; as well as discussions on process and receipt of ten bargaining topics (articles) from CSSEA. The division prepared a resolution to be presented to the general session.
A representative for the Aboriginal Services divisional session presented the Aboriginal Services divisional report and announced that the members of the Aboriginal Services division were re-appointed to the Aboriginal Services Panel by acclamation. Bernadette Spence and Colleen Spier have been selected to represent the division on the board and Judy Smith and Colleen Spier, with Bernadette Spence as an alternate, have agreed to participate on the bargaining team.
The chair called a meeting of the board of directors to consider the two motions put forward.
The general session was adjourned.
The general session resumed. The chair reported that the board approved the presentation of the two motions to the membership for consideration.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT a committee of members, comprised of all divisions, be formed to address the relationship issues between the membership and CSSEA. M/S/C
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the board, in consultation with the panels and the membership, with CSSEA will put together a plan to build trust with members. M/S/C
In closing, the chair welcomed the new members elected to their divisional panels and reminded the membership that next year’s AGM will be held October 21-23 in Vancouver.
The chair, hearing no further business, declared the meeting adjourned at 1:48 pm.