Event Registration is now closed. You will need to register in person at our registration desk at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel, 1088 Burrard Street, Vancouver.
September 22 - The presentations for Q&A: Understanding and Applying the Appointment Language and Q&A: The Grievance Process and How it Works are now available.
September 18 - All workshops are now full except:
Q&A: Understanding and Applying the Appointment Language (PM Only)
Q&A: Understanding the Joint Job Evaluation Plan (AM Only)
How Social Media is Impacting Human Resources (AM Only)
September 16 - The presentation for Employee Meetings: The Tough Stuff is now posted.
September 15 - The presentation for Tools for Concious Decision Making is now posted.
September 4 - The presentation Coaching for Leaders is now available.
September 3 - The handout for Keeping Good Employees on Board is now available.
September 2 - The presentations for Effective Business Writing and Sustain Your Organization: Building Talent for Crucial Positions are now available.
September 1 - The presentation for Q&A: Understanding Your Collective Agreement is now available
The 2015 AGM and Conference is being held at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel in Vancouver, October 5 to 7, 2015.
The theme of this year’s conference is: Achieving Success From Within. The educational sessions will focus on decision making, managing people and coaching.
To learn more about the event, conference sessions, deadlines and registration, please use the menu to the left.
For more information contact Kathie Best at 604.601.3107 or toll free at 1.800.377.3340 ext 107 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .